
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.99}}
@comment{{Command line: bib2bib -ob html/content/bib/zahr2010mortestbed.bib -c $key="zahr2010mortestbed" /Users/mzahr/_db/mjzdb/_bib/mjz.bib}}
  abstract = {This document presents the results of a testbed developed for the comparison of model reduction techniques on large-scale linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic systems. The current capabilities of the testbed allow the user to compare eight model reduction methods on three linear, dynamical systems and three reduction techniques on five nonlinear systems (four dynamic and one static).},
  author = {Zahr, Matthew J. and Carlberg, Kevin and Amsallem, David and Farhat, Charbel},
  date-added = {2015-08-19 06:21:08 +0000},
  date-modified = {2017-12-15 22:05:34 +0000},
  institution = {University of California, Berkeley},
  paper = {content/papers/zahr2010mortestbed.pdf},
  project = {mortestbed},
  title = {Comparison of model reduction techniques on high-fidelity linear and nonlinear electrical, mechanical, and biological systems},
  year = {2010}

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