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@inproceedings{zahr2016high, abstract = {The fully discrete adjoint method, corresponding to a globally high-order accurate dis- cretization of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations on deforming domains, is intro- duced. A mapping-based Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian description transforms the gov- erning equations to a fixed reference domain. A high-order discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretization and diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta temporal discretization are employed to obtain the globally high-order discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations. Relevant quantities of interest, to be used as the objective function in aerodynamic trajectory op- timization problems, are discretized in a solver-consistent manner. Gradients of these quantities of interest are computed via the adjoint method and verified against a second- order finite difference approximation. The proposed fully discrete adjoint method is coupled with state-of-the-art, gradient-based numerical optimization software to solve aerodynamic trajectory optimization problems. The first example is an inverse design problem with a known, global optimum that the solver is able to recover in fewer than 20 iterations. In a second problem, a trajectory is determined that successfully completes a prescribed mission while harvesting energy from the flow.}, address = {San Diego, California}, author = {Zahr, Matthew J. and Persson, Per-Olof}, booktitle = {AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2016)}, date-added = {2015-08-20 14:08:56 +0000}, date-modified = {2021-07-28 16:28:34 -0400}, link = {https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2016-0064}, organization = {American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics}, paper = {content/papers/zahr2016high.pdf}, project = {dgopt}, publisher = {AIAA Paper 2016-0064}, rss-description = {dgopt}, title = {High-order, time-dependent aerodynamic optimization using a discontinuous {G}alerkin discretization of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, year = {1/4/2016 -- 1/8/2016} }
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