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@conference{zahr2017honom, address = {Stuttgart, Germany}, author = {Zahr, Matthew J. and Persson, Per-Olof}, booktitle = {European Workshop on High Order Nonlinear Numerical Methods for Evolutionary PDEs: Theory and Applications}, conftype = {conference}, date-added = {2017-02-08 06:08:34 +0000}, date-modified = {2017-12-16 18:07:43 +0000}, organization = {University of Stuttgart}, pres = {content/slides/zahr2017honom.pdf}, presenter = {Zahr, Matthew J.}, project = {mppartsolv}, status = {contributed}, title = {Adjoint-based optimization of time-dependent fluid-structure systems using a high-order discontinuous {G}alerkin discretization}, year = {3/27/2017 -- 3/31/2017} }
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