
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.99}}
@comment{{Command line: bib2bib -ob html/content/bib/zahr2019nd.bib -c $key="zahr2019nd" /Users/mzahr/_db/mjzdb/_bib/mjz.bib}}
  address = {Notre Dame, Indiana},
  author = {Zahr, Matthew J.},
  booktitle = {Center for Informatics and Computational Science Seminar, Univerity of Notre Dame (Host: Nicholas Zabaras)},
  conftype = {seminar},
  date-added = {2019-12-08 00:46:51 -0500},
  date-modified = {2019-12-08 00:49:29 -0500},
  organization = {University of Notre Dame},
  presenter = {Zahr, Matthew J.},
  project = {shktrk, dgopt},
  status = {invited},
  title = {Integrated computational physics and numerical optimization},
  year = {3/6/2019}

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